Holy Innocents School, Haiti - 2024 Scholarship Fundraiser!

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For 40 years, St. Paul’s has been connected to the Holy Innocents community in Port de Paix, Haiti. Forged with love, respect and God’s spirit, this relationship has brought incredible joy to our communities.
In 2023, $12,000 was raised by our community to support Holy Innocents School. These funds provided funding for 48 Holy Innocents School student scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year. An additional $5,000 was contributed by St. Paul’s Outreach Committee. $17,000 in total funds were sent to Holy Innocents in June 2023.
Haiti is currently experiencing a country-wide humanitarian, political and security crisis. Holy Innocents School and Church continues to operate during this crisis. Father Wilky, Rector of Holy Innocents Church and School, recently sent a report to St. Paul’s detailing how the scholarship and outreach funds received in June 2023 were used. A summary of Father Wilky’s budget from last year stated:
In addition to providing scholarships for students, funds were used to purchase fabrics, a photocopier, and a tent for extracurricular activities. Funds also were used to finalize the construction of a kiosk for graduation and other school activities.
Additionally, funds were used for the church’s sound system and repair of the church car.
Action Item: This Year
St. Paul’s is raising funds to assist Holy Innocents for the 2024-2025 school year. Many families are in greater need of assistance, which is placing an additional strain on Holy Innocent’s budget. The cost to fund a student for the school year is $250; however, donations in any amount are welcome!
Anonymous or named donations of any amount are welcome. Click here to donate. You also can pay by check (please include Haiti in the memo line).
To ensure that funds reach Holy Innocents by the end of June, your commitment by Sunday, May 26, 2024, is requested.
Please contact Cynthia McReynolds or Rob Young with questions, or email [email protected] to have a question forwarded to them.