Join us for Advent

All are welcome to join us for a 4-week Advent program each Sunday after the 10 a.m. liturgy.
We will begin the Sunday before Advent - November 26th and continue through December 17th.
The program will begin at approximately 11:15 a.m. and will end by 12:30 (there will be coffee hour goodies available to provide some small sustenance!)
Guided again this year by Advent season lay-minister-in-Residence Brian Litzenberger, we will spend this time leading up to Christmas diving deeper into the themes of Advent as they connect to our community.
In this pivotal moment in our shared life; as we prepare to re-design our building for full accessibility and sustainability, as we prepare to evolve into what God would have us be in a post-pandemic world, as we more fully regather with new manifestations of our identity as St. Paul’s Church, Brian will help us to envision our future, hear our call, and build the life that God is calling us to live.
There will be crafts (Mod Podge!), a pageant (with surprise characters), connections, and JOY.
Mark this time on your calendar and look for more information to be added on theEvent Page.